Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cute moments...

There were a few funny and great moments to share (so that when Gem and Jasper grows up we can look back and see how silly they are... hehe)

Scene 1
Gem pick up my phone and started pressing, then put to her ear. Next moment I heard ringing sound! I quickly took the phone back n off! It was dialed fortunately to a friend instead of POLICE. She smiled sweetly and innocently to me...

Scene 2
Finally took out the motorised bike, Jasper started playing first as we thought he should be more pro in it... end up he got abit scare, prob cos of the sound n speed. Gem was the one more garang!
She wanted to play and didn't wan to get out of it once she started. Once she couldn't move the bike, n keep whining. Then we show her she need to press accelerator. Once she press, off she goes and she started banging the wall and table to our horror. So we force her out and she ended crying like abuse...

Scene 3
Jasper get v near Gem face and talk something to Gem... hmmm... that very sweet

Scene 4
Gem suck thumb. Jasper saw and this time he say "Gemma blowing trumpet again" "later trumpet spoilt" hahahaha

Scene 5
Gemma keep calling papa... then I ask her to call me mama. Jasper came over and call me.... so sweetttt :)

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