It the last day here ... so fast. we woke up late somemore... so decided not to go Yang Min Shan. 1stly place is too big to explore n we lack of the time, 2ndly, kids still weak so how can they hike? haaa so we drop the idea n went for my backup plan -Danshui. m looking forward to eating the extra "tall" icecream cone n take the ferry to see lovers bridge.
Upon reaching there, we realise lots fo shopping at the streets and quickly head down to ferry terminal to board the fery first, so tat we have time to shop later.
We pass by an icecream store n can't resist buying first to eat since today was a "hot" day compared to previous days...
The lady was kind enough to make our cone into 2 parts, top part put into a cup. She say easier for us to share... clever idea but I didn't manage to take the photo first! she too fast ah haha
Gem eating from the cup

Jasper n daddy took the lower part -cone

The store... it v cheap only TWD10
Old street

Ferry ferry here we come
She ate something...
Lovers bridge (shot from meteor garden)
She still eating...

we ask her not to eat first to take the shot... so ugly

We didn't stay too long as we wanna go shopping! so quickly board the next ferry back.

We bought the iron eggs, their speciality...

Black ones r chicken while the small white ones r quails

Gem taking pics again :)

We can't miss the Smelly TOFU!!!! had to eat b4 we leave taiwan...

After danshui, it was already 1 p.m and we had to be back to hotel to collect lugguages and take our taxi at 2.30p.m. We still have our last destination which is for our lunch too. So I told them to go ahead as planned since dun wanna miss this car theme restuarant. We went to PS Bu Bu (another scene from Meteor garden). I knew the kids will be v thrilled and we will have a peaceful time eating! hahaha
See Jasper so happy playing... the car is made into sofa... v innovative. Gem was hmmm asleep.

Everything cars...
The counter

The toilet mirror

Yummy cheesy fries...
Banana split
the only full car table... the one Barbie Hsu and Jerry Yen apparently sat on.

After lunch, we looked at clock and it was already 2.15!! we quickly took cab to nearest MRT back to Xinmending... was really a drama. I nearly lost my MRT card to Jasper again. 1 moment in hsi hand n when we get out of train to transfer, I found his hand empty. Panic, n ran back into train w him! He panic too as he see his dad already left the platform! Shout wan his daddy while I search for the card on the chairs we took and floor.
Found nothing n time already racing... I quickly get back on train back to the station again. Call hb and said I have lost the card n be with him soon.
I kept askin Jasper where did he drop the card... then i found it in.... his pocket! goodness. but luckily found lo. then by then it was 2.30 when we reach Xinmending!
As we still need to buy some items, I asked hb to go w Gem to buy while I head back hotel to meet taxi driver.
When I reached, the taxi driver was already there n I apolgise for being late. But he was v kind n say it was alrite. Then the hotel staff and him load all the lugguages into the MPV. v helpful staff. I didn't even carry anything! cos I was w Jasper. cos we have many lugguages n they didn't show black faces or watever.
We then head to airport... for home sweet home...