Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Find that Gem is getting cleverer...

Last night, little Gem ask her brother to draw angry bird. Jasper tried and didn't draw as what she has directed. She remarked "wrong" Jasper replied "ok I cancel it". To which, Gem replied" Nooo you can't cancel. you had to erase!" Jasper say "ok then how?" Gem asked him to go find eraser and he quickly go... hahaha imagine being ordered by his younger sister.

and today Gem shows that she can really remember things better than all of us. Today, they had to wear shoes to school as there is class photography. All of us forgotten and nearly walked out. She reminded us about the shoes. Heng she reminded if not we had to go back later and be late

She also remember which floor we parked ... yes all 3 of us can't remember which floor... hahaha She was very proud then... bravo!

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